Parent Council
Macduff Parent Council
Chairperson: Claire Mackie
Vice Chairperson: Neil Mackenzie
Treasurer: Stuart Beveridge
Secretary: Susan Cook
All parents are members of the Parent Forum
Councillor Mark Findlater
Councillor Ross Cassie
Councillor Richard Menard
PC Zubaj
Robert McArthur Pastor of Riverside Banff Church
Parent Council Minutes
Meeting Minutes AGM 22.11. 2022
AGM Meeting Minutes 21.11.23.pdf
Macduff School Safety Review
What does the Parent Council Do?
The Parent Council is a committee of parents and carers of children at Macduff Primary School. The main aim of the Parent Council is to help our school operate successfully and to ensure the views of all parents/carers are represented. The Parent Council is run independently of the school and local authority, however we do work closely together.
We meet once a quarter to discuss any matters of interest to parents and ensure the school staff get feedback on parent’s views. We get involved in a wide range of matters such as:
- School policies on things such as bullying, homework, school uniform, e-safety.
- Work jointly with the school to set up extra curricular activities like the Bikeability Scheme, Goblin racing car and tree planting.
- Support the implementation of the breakfast club.
- Help source funding for computing and educational resources.
- Involved in recruitment of new Headteachers and senior staff.
- Improvement of facilities.
Although we do help fund certain initiatives, the Parent Council doesn’t focus on fundraising. Instead the Parent Support Group (PSG) work hard to fundraise and organise events.
If you would like to get involved with the Parent Council or would like to bring up any issues that you would like addressed at the next meeting, please get in contact with a committee member or email